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(to be continuously updated)

Cooperation with THUMS User Community (TUC)

Link to TUC

Environment models and validation reporitory @ TUC

Document: Definition of Terms in context of Virtual Testing

Volunteer test data and simulation environment

Most up-to date set of different volunteer data collected and summarized in OSCCAR Deliverable D3.2 Validated and computationally robust active HBMs, v1.1, 2021-12-20 (available as soons as approved by EC)

Volunteer pre-crash behaviour validation catalogue date @ Zenodo

Precooni & OM4IS Data

Volunteer kinematics from emergency lateral maneuvers (van Rooij et al, 2013)

Passenger kinematics and muscle responses from autonomous braking events (Olafsdottir et al. 2013)

Test Data of Passenger kinematics in Lane change and Lane change with Braking Manoeuvres (Ghaffari et al., 2018)

Pre-crash FE Seat models for validation catalogue data @OpenVT platform

OpenVT OSCCAR pre-crasch seat models (Chalmers)

OpenVT OSCCAR pre-crash seat models Precooni & OM4Is (VIF/TUG)

OSCCAR HBM positioning tool @OpenVT platform

Open VT OSCCAR positioning tool

OSCCAR generic crash pulses for future crashes @ TU Graz repository

OSCCAR generic crash pulses for future crashes


Installer hosted by USTUTT (COVISE/HLRS)

Source code to openPASS (customized for OSCCAR/COVISE) 

openPASS (customized for OSCCAR/COVISE)

BAST / Autoliv sled test data

Available on request: please contact

Target occupant landmarks

OSCCAR Deliverable D5.2 Standardised validation procedure for qualifying the HBM to be used for assessing effectiveness of pilot protection principles, v2.0, 2021-12-11 (ISO-mme)

Public OSCCAR deliverables
OSCCAR publications
